
39 and 24 item Five Facet Mindfulness QuestionnaireFFMQ Baer, Smith, Hopkins, Krietemeyer & Toney, 2006 24-item short form version of FFMQ (FFMQ-SF) developed by Bohlmeijer (2011)After evaluating all of the seven most utilized mindfulness scales, Baer created this new one to integrate the most important and validated features, called the FFMQ. This measures the five facets of mindfulness: observing, describing, acting with awareness, non-judging of inner experience, and nonreactivity to inner experience. FFMQ: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319444696_Five_Facet_Mindfulness_Questionnaire_FFMQ FFMQ-SF: http://goodmedicine.org.uk/files/assessment,%20mindfulness%205%20facets%20short_1.pdf
39-item Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness SkillsKIMS, Baer, Smith & Allen, 2004Measures observing, describing, acting with awareness, and accepting without judgment. Can be divided into subscales for each. Baer et al. (2006) evaluated the next six mindfulness scales and found KIMS most relevant.http://www.mindfulness-extended.nl/content3/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/KIMS-E-EN.pdf
15-item Mindfulness Attention Awareness ScaleMAAS Brown & Ryan, 2003Treats mindfulness as a trait involving awareness and attention.https://ggsc.berkeley.edu/images/uploads/The_Mindful_Attention_Awareness_Scale_-_Trait_(1).pdf
14-item Freiburg Mindfulness InventoryFMI, Walach, Buchheld, Buttenmuller, Kleinknecht, & Schmidt, 2006Considered heavily qualitative over quantitative, measures ability to regulate attention with orientation of openness, curiosity, and non-judgment. Measures trait mindfulness and should not be split up into subscales.http://www.mindfulness-extended.nl/content3/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Freiburg-Mindfulness-Inventory.pdf
Cognitive & Affective Mindfulness Scale 12-item Cognitive & Affective Mindfulness Scale - RevisedCAMS, Kumar, Feldman & Hayes, 2005 CAMS-R, Feldman, Hayes, Kumar, Greeson & Laurenceau 2007Measures attention, present-focus, awareness and acceptancehttps://ggsc.berkeley.edu/images/uploads/The_Cognitive_and_Affective_Mindfulness_Scale_%E2%80%93_Revised.pdf
14 or 21-item Langer Mindfulness ScaleLMS, Pirson, Langer, Bodner & Zilcha-Mano, 2012Incorporates a socio-cognitive perspectivehttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/291372253_Developing_the_Langer_Mindfulness_Scale
13-item Toronto Mindfulness ScaleTMS, Lau, Bishop, Segal, Buis, Anderson, Carlson, Shapiro, & Carmody, 2006Consists of two subscales – curiosity and decenteringhttp://www.personal.kent.edu/~dfresco/mindfulness/Lau_et_al_TMS.pdf
20-item Philadelphia Mindfulness ScalePHLMS, Cardaciotto, Herbert, Forman, Moitra & Farrow, 2008Measures present-moment awareness and acceptance of present. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1073191107311467
30-item Solloway Mindfulness SurveySMS, Solloway & Fisher, 2007Measures knowledge and experience of mindfulness – used for tracking progress of studentshttps://dts.lectica.org/mindfulness/SMS/m-intro.html
7-item Mindfulness Process QuestionnaireMPQ, Erisman & Roemer, 20120This new mindfulness questionnaire was developed to assess the extent to which mindfulness is intentionally practiced, to assess switching ability, and evaluate judgment. (Christopher et al., 2015) http://roemerlab-umb.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Erisman-and-Roemer-ABCT-2009.pdf



Attention Network TestANT, Fan, McCandliss, Sommer, Raz & Posner, 2002This tool measures attention regulation and conflict monitoring (observing, aware-acting and describing), as well as executive attention. Two studies found better performance among experienced meditators (Hölzel et al., 2011b).https://sacklerinstitute.org/cornell/assays_and_tools/ant/jin.fan/
VigilanceThese tools measure skills in self-regulating the focus of attention, sustaining attention over time (vigilance), and the switching of attention back to the breath (Bishop et al., 2004). https://www.parinc.com/Products/Pkey/94
Heartbeat awareness testsSelf-report tests show attention on body awareness leads to clarity and subtle interoception (Hölzel et al., 2011b). This is supported by FA meditation.file:///Users/G/Downloads/Final%20Submission%20.pdf


36-item Difficulties in Emotion Regulation ScaleDERS, Gratz & Roemer, 2004Mindfulness decreases emotional reactivity, decreases negative emotions, increases positive emotions, reduces rumination and reactive thoughts (Hölzel et al., 2011b). This increases prefrontal cortex activity, decreases amygdala activation, and increases activity in the ventrolateral PFC (greater inhibitory control). There is a difference seen based on the experience of the meditator. Difficulties in emotion regulation include a lack of emotional awareness, lack of emotional clarity, difficulty controlling impulsive behavior when distressed, a lack of goal-directed behavior when distressed, non-acceptance of negative emotions, and limited access to effective emotion regulation strategies. (Christopher et al., 2015)http://cairncenter.com/forms/difficultiesinemotionalregulation_scale.pdf
Toronto Alexithymia ScaleTAS-20, Taylor, 1992This measures intentional investigative self-observation and understanding of thoughts and feelings. This means mindfulness would be positively correlated with measures of emotional awareness (Bishop et al., 2004).http://www.gtaylorpsychiatry.org/tas.htm


The Measure of Awareness and Coping in Autobiographical MemoryMACAM; Moore, Hayhurst & Teasdale, 1996This measures decentry, the ability to observe thoughts and feelings as transitory and not truth. Requires trained coders, and takes time (Baer, 2011).
Psychological Mindedness ScaleConte 1997This measures one’s capacity to see the relationships between thoughts, feelings and actions or psychological mindedness (Bishop et al., 2004).https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3330424/pdf/250.pdf


Tennessee Self-Concept Scale TSCS:2, Fitts & Warren, 1996One study showed changes in positive self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-concept after 7-days of mindfulness (Hölzel et al., 2011b)https://www.parinc.com/Products/Pkey/462
Self-concept scales of the Temperament and Character InventoryCloninger, Svrakic & Przybeck 1993 Experienced meditators show positive change (Hölzel et al., 2011b).https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316321904_The_Temperament_and_Character_Inventory_TCI


Self-Compassion ScaleSCS, Neff 2003Self-compassion is correlated with wellbeing, social connectedness, self-determination and emotional balance (Hick and Furlotte, 2010).https://self-compassion.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Self_Compassion_Scale_for_researchers.pdf
21-Item Compassionate Love Scale for Humanity (CLS) also known as the Santa Clara Brief Compassion ScaleCLS, Sprecher and Fehr 2005https://www.midss.org/content/santa-clara-brief-compassion-scale-scbcs


Anxiety Sensitivity Index Reiss, Peterson, Gursky & McNally, 1992Also a metacognitive skill – monitoring and control – or a direct experience of events, not suppression, which results in an ability to inhibit rumination. Beginner’s mind involves observation as if for the first time with a commitment to maintain an attitude of curiosity and acceptance. This can lead to experiencing emotional distress or unpleasant experiences as less unpleasant and threatening “since the contract of acceptance changes their subjective meaning”. This results in improved emotion regulation (Bishop et al., 2004).https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0005796786901439?via%3Dihub
6-Item Brief Resilience ScaleBRS, Smith, Dalen, Wiggins, Tooley, Christopher & Bernard, 2008The brief resilience scale assesses the ability of a person to bounce back.https://ogg.osu.edu/media/documents/MB%20Stream/Brief%20Resilience%20Scale.pdf
14-point Perceived Stress Scale 4-item Perceived Stress Scale-4PSS Cohen 1983 PSS-4, Cohen 1988This measures how unpredictable, uncontrollable, and overloaded one is (Christopher et al., 2015).http://www.mindgarden.com/documents/PerceivedStressScale.pdf
16-item Oldenburg Burnout InventoryOLBI, Demerouti 2003This measures exhaustion and disengagement (Christopher et al., 2015).0https://stresscenter.ucsf.edu/measures/burnout


Implicit Association TestIAT, Greenwald, Poehlman, Uhlman 2009(Kang et al., 2013)https://faculty.washington.edu/agg/iat_materials.htm#


Compassion ScalePommier, 2011(Ludvik & Eberhart, 2018)http://goodmedicine.org.uk/files/other-compassion%20scale,%20tahoma.pdf
Interpersonal Reactivity IndexIRI, Davis 1994Measures empathy.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YCKkyg-OVpT0Qz36qFdHM7yeSGj0DsUYgyyx9u7ubnc/edit


Emotional support subscale of the Interpersonal Competence QuestionnaireICQ, Buhrmester 1988Measures facilitating reappraisals (Jones, et al., 2019).https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/87df/a1cba25fc8ef3fb6cfdabe79fd0add6700f4.pdf
Active-Empathic Listening ScaleAELS, Bodie 2011Active listening has cognitive, affective and behavioral processes (Jones, et al., 2019)http://www.grahambodie.com/aels


Observe Scale of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI)IRI, Davis, 1980Used with heartbeat detection tests (Hölzel et al., 2011b).https://fetzer.org/sites/default/files/images/stories/pdf/selfmeasures/EMPATHY-InterpersonalReactivityIndex.pdf
Mindful-Breathing Exercise MBEMeasures mindfulness of objects through experience sampling (ES) - awareness of an anchor in the present moment like breath. The Mindful Breathing Exercise demonstrated acceptable reliabilities and preliminary evidence of construct validity. It also showed evidence of validity in predicting key criterion beyond self-report measures between experienced and novice meditators (Hadash and Bernstein, 2018).http://projects.hsl.wisc.edu/SERVICE/courses/whole-health-for-pain-and-suffering/Script-Mindful-Breathing.pdf
Breath Counting Task BCTThis test measures time-course of sustained mindful awareness and the time it takes to re-engage in mindful awareness. The Breath Counting Task was most effective and demonstrated acceptable reliabilities and preliminary evidence of construct validity (Hadash and Bernstein, 2018)https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324166741_The_Breath_Counting_Task
Heartbeat Detection Tasks This test measures sensitivity primarily through the first and third person correspondence method (Hadash and Bernstein, 2018).https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280999666_Methodological_Recommendations_for_a_Heartbeat_Detection-Based_Measure_of_Interoceptive_Sensitivity
Single Experience and Self-Implicit Association TestSES-IAT, Hadash and Bernstein, 2018This measures attitudes including associations between self and fear during frightening videos. This test was most effective and demonstrated acceptable reliabilities and preliminary evidence of construct validity (Hadash and Bernstein, 2018).https://mindrxiv.org/c8vap/

Wellbeing & Resilience

Resources and Needs QuestionnaireJackeline Velazco, 2005Designed to access household’s access to a wide range of resources and the need satisfactions they achieve.http://www.bath.ac.uk/soc-pol/welldev/research/methods-toobox/ranq-toolbox.htm
Quality of Life Quality of Life WeD-QoL, Laura Camfield and Teresa King, 2006 A measure of an individual’s perceived Quality of Life. The purpose is to be able to compare how people experience and evaluate their lives, including the level of satisfaction felt in relation to values aspects of their lives.http://www.bath.ac.uk/soc-pol/welldev/research/methods-toobox/qol-toolbox.htm
Income and Expenditures SurveyI&E, Jackeline Velazco, 2006Designed to collect data on the income and expenditure patterns of households and individuals within it. Created to identify different categories of income, expenditures, credit and saving behavior as well as subjective indicators as global happiness and life domain satisfaction.http://www.bath.ac.uk/soc-pol/welldev/research/methods-toobox/ies-toolbox.htm


Subjective Happiness ScaleLyubomirsky & Lepper, 1999Measures level of happiness and comparison of level of happiness to others. Chronbach’s Alpha (reliability) .79-.94.https://ggsc.berkeley.edu/images/uploads/The_Subjective_Happiness_Scale.pdf
Satisfaction with Life ScaleSWLS, Diener, Emmons, Larson & Griffin 1985SCS has strong correlations with self-compassion and emotional intelligence, and negative correlations with self-judgment (Hick and Furlotte, 2010) A global assessment of ones’ quality of life according to their own chosen criteria. Chronbach’s Alpha (reliability) .87.https://fetzer.org/sites/default/files/images/stories/pdf/selfmeasures/SATISFACTION-SatisfactionWithLife.pdf


Flourishing ScaleDiener et al., 2010Designed to measure social-psychological prosperity defined by positive social relationships, purposeful and meaningful life, engagement and interest in one’s activities, and feeling competent and capable in activities that are important to the person. Chronbach’s Alpha (reliability) .81-.87.https://ggsc.berkeley.edu/images/uploads/The_Flourishing_Scale.pdf
Scales of Psychological Well-BeingRyff, 1989Measures self-acceptance, positive relations with others, autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth. Chronbach’s Alpha (reliability) .86-.93.http://sparqtools.org/mobility-measure/psychological-wellbeing-scale/
Quality of Life Inventory QOLI, Frisch, Cornell, Villanueva & Retzlaff, 1992Measures overall life satisfaction, consisting of the sum of satisfaction in particular areas of life. Chronbach’s Alpha (reliability) .79-.89.https://sites.baylor.edu/michael_b_frisch/qoli-quality-of-life-inventory/


Authentic Happiness InventoryZabihi, Ketabi, Tavakoli & Ghadiri, 2014Designed to measure pleasure, engagement, meaning in life, and interpersonal connectedness as elements of happiness. Chronbach’s Alpha (reliability) .93.https://www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu/testcenter
12-Item Well-Being QuestionnairePouwer, Van der Ploeg, Ader, Heine & Snoek, 1999Measures negative affect, positive affect and energy. Chronbach’s Alpha (reliability) .66-.83.ttps://www.healthpsychologyresearch.com/find-a-questionnaire/well-being-questionnaire-0
General Wellbeing ScheduleFazio, 1977Designed to assess mental health, quality of life and subjective wellbeing. Chronbach’s alpha .91-.95.https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-0-387-79948-3_1939
Oxford Happiness InventoryArgyle, Martine & Crossland, 1989A broad measure of personal happiness designed to mirror the Beck Depression Inventory format. Chronbach’s alpha .90.http://www.blake-group.com/sites/default/files/assessments/Oxford_Happiness_Questionnaire.pdf
Oxford Happiness QuestionnaireHills & Argyle, 2002A broad personal measure of personal happiness. Chronbach’s alpha .91.https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/nov/03/take-the-oxford-happiness-questionnaire
Pemperton Happiness IndexHervas & Vazquez, 2013Covers multiple elements of well-being (general, hedonic, eudaimonic, social), assesses overall memory of wellbeing yesterday, and is validated in multiple countries and languages. Chronbach’s alpha .82-.93.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23607679
Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing ScaleTennant et al., 2007Measures a wide view of well-being, including emotional, cognitive, and psychological by focusing on the positive. Chronbach’s alpha .89-.91.https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/med/research/platform/wemwbs/using
WHO-Ten Well-Being IndexBech, Gudex & Staehr Johansen, 1996Measures the absence of negative states (anxiety, depression) and the presence of positive (energy). Chronbach’s alpha .85.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8843498


Zigler-Phillips Social Competence IndexZigler & Glick, 1986Measures various interlinked areas of competency through composites.https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1987-12360-001
The Community Assessment of Resilience ToolCART, Pfefferbaum et al., 2006Assesses community resilience.https://www.oumedicine.com/docs/ad-psychiatry-workfiles/cart_online-final_042012.pdf


Clinician-Administered PTSD ScaleCAPS, Blake et al., 1995A 30-question, structured interview delivered by trained professionals that assesses 17 symptoms of PTSD and provides a severity score for current or long-term diagnosis.https://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/assessment/documents/CAPS_5_Past_Week.pdf
PTSD Check List - 17PCL – 17A 17-question measure for self-report symptoms of PTSD using a 5-part Likert scale. Scores range from 17-85, with measures of 50 or higher indicating PTSD.https://www.mirecc.va.gov/docs/visn6/3_PTSD_CheckList_and_Scoring.pdf
PTSD Check List for DSM-5 PCL-5, Weathers, F. W., Litz, B. T., Keane, T. M., Palmieri, P. A., Marx, B. P., & Schnurr, P. P. (2013). A 20-item self-administered scale corresponding to DSM-IV (35) criteria for PTSD. A 20-item self-report measure that assesses the 20 DSM-5 symptoms of PTSD. It’s purpose is to monitor symptoms from treatment, screen and diagnosis PTSD.https://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/assessment/documents/PCL5_Standard_form.PDF
Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale PDS, Foa, E., Cashman, L., Jaycox, L., & Perry, K. (1997)A 49-item self-report measure recommended for use in clinical or research settings to measure severity of PTSD symptoms related to a single identified traumatic event.0https://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/assessment/adult-sr/pds.asp
Beck Depression Inventory BDI, Beck, et al., 1961A 21-item, self-report rating inventory for evaluating the severity of depression.https://www.ismanet.org/doctoryourspirit/pdfs/Beck-Depression-Inventory-BDI.pdf
Davidson Trauma Scale DTS, Davidson, et al., 1997A 17-item self-report scale designed to assess 17 PTSD symptoms.https://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/assessment/adult-sr/dts.asp
Impact of Event Scale - Revised IES-R, Creamer, et al., 2003A 22-item self-report scale not intended to diagnose but assess subjective distress.https://consultgeri.org/try-this/general-assessment/issue-19.pdf

Social & Emotional Intelligence

Multifactor Emotional Intelligence Scale MEIS, Mayer, Caruso, & Salovey, 1998, 1999First comprehensive theory-based tool for measuring EI as a set of abilities. Includes 12 ability measures divided into four areas (a) perceiving and expressing emotions; (b) using emotions to facilitate thought; (c) understanding emotions; (d) managing emotions in self and others.http://ei.yale.edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/pub231_Salovey_Woolery_Mayer_2001.pdf
Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso Emotional Intelligence Scales MSCEIT, Mayer, Salovey, & Caruso, 2002a,b, 2003A refined and better normed successor to the MEIS, still measures the same components but in less time and with better worded questions. Recommended as the best test for measuring ability EI.https://storefront.mhs.com/collections/msceit
Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire TEIQue, Petrides and Furnham, 2001 Recommended as the best comprehensive measure of trait EI. http://www.eiconsortium.org/measures/teique.html
Emotional and Social Competence InventoryESCI, Boyatzis and Goleman, 2007The ESCI measures the demonstration of individuals’ behaviors, through their perceptions and those of their raters, making it distinct from measures of EI that assess ability or personality preferences. http://www.eiconsortium.org/pdf/ESCI_user_guide.pdf
Schutte Self Report Emotional Intelligence Test SSEIT, Schutte et al., 1998Common self-report EI measure; a 33-question tool designed to map onto the Salovey and Mayer (1990) model of EI.http://depts.washington.edu/uwcssc/sites/default/files//hw00/d40/uwcssc/sites/default/files/The%20Schutte%20Self%20Report%20Emotional%20Intelligence%20Test%20%28SSEIT%29.pdf
Emotional Quotient Inventory 2.0 EQ-I 2.0, Bar-On, 2004Common self-report EI measure designed to measure self perception, interpersonal, decision-making, self-expression and stress management.http://www.eiconsortium.org/measures/eqi.html
Tromsø Social Intelligence ScaleTSIS, Silvera, Martinussen & Dahl, 2001A self-report scale that evaluates social information processing, social skills and social awarenesshttps://psycnet.apa.org/record/2001-18561-002
MESI MethodologyFrankovsky & Birknerová, 2014A 21-item self-report tool using the psychometric approach to evaluate social intelligence along three factors of manipulation, empathy, and social irritabilityhttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/271341301_Measuring_Social_Intelligence-The_MESI_Methodology
Classroom Assessment Scoring System CLASS®, PiantaAn observational tool to measure SEL in schools, assessing the quality of teacher-student interactions that supports children’s learning and development.https://teachstone.com/class/
CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey YRBSS, Ludvik & Eberhart, 2018Monitors six types of health-risks behaviors that contribute to the leading cause of death among youthhttps://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/data/yrbs/questionnaires.htm
Growth Mindset ScaleDweck, 2006A 3-item scale to measure if people believe that can get smarter if they work at it.http://sparqtools.org/mobility-measure/growth-mindset-scale/
Grit ScaleDuckworth, 2007A 12-item scale to measure trait-level perseverance and passion for long-term goals.https://angeladuckworth.com/grit-scale/

Empowerment & Agency

WE-MEASR (Women’s Empowerment – Multidimensional Evaluation of Agency, Social Capital and Relations).CARE.orgThis tool is designed for use with women, and consists of 23 short, validated scales designed to measure women’s empowerment in domains critical to sexual, reproductive and maternal health and nutrition.https://www.care.org/sites/default/files/we-measr_tool_final_1.pdf
The Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI)USAIDAn aggregate index that measures the empowerment of women involved in agricultural activities including decisions about agriculture production, decision making power, control of income, leadership in the community and time allocationhttp://weai.ifpri.info/versions/weai/
The Three-Dimensional (3D) Empowerment Framework The Commonwealth of Learning (COL)This is a tool to assist in designing a survey, indexing and structuring data analysis to measure empowerment within and between groups over time.http://dspace.col.org/bitstream/handle/11599/2468/2016_Carr_Measuring-Empowerment.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Measuring Empowerment (ME) FrameworkWorld Bank A comprehensive set of indicators for measuring degrees of empowerment in three parts: (1) existence of choice, (2) use of choice, and (3) achievement of choice, which can be applied across different programs, circumstances, and nations. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/8856
Self-Assessment Based FrameworkIbramin and Alkire (2007)A framework utilizing subjective, self-assessment questions for measuring power or control over choice in four primary areas: personal decisions, autonomy, change in one’s life, and change within community.https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13600810701701897?journalCode=cods20
Measuring Women’s EmpowermentHuis et al. (2017)A three-dimensional framework, designed for the context of microfinance, for measuring empowerment at the personal level, relational level, and societal level.https://www.readcube.com/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01678
13-Item Locus of Control or Internal-External Scale(Rotter, 1966)A long-standing tool to measure personal control over life outcomes using 13-items to assess whether an individual has an internal locus of control (outcomes depend on personal actions) or an external locus of control (outcomes and experiences are dictated by external forces).0https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Fh0092976
General Causality in Orientation Scale of Self-DeterminationRyan & Deci (1985)A widely-tested tool that measures autonomy or empowerment across three dimensions – autonomy orientation (high degree of personal choice and internal locus of causality), control orientation (how much is behavior compliant with extrinsic factors or a sense of what “should” be), and impersonal orientation (how much do people feel their behavior is beyond their intentional control), representing a continuum of self-determination from high to low. https://selfdeterminationtheory.org/SDT/documents/1985_DeciRyan_GCOS.pdf

Community & Belonging

12-Item Sense of Community IndexSCI, Perkins, Florin, Rich, Wandersman & Chavis, 1990Most frequently used measure of a sense of community in the social sciences based on the 1986 McMillan and Chavis definition of a sense of community, measuring across 12 questions, four subscales, including (1) membership, (2) influence, (3) integration and fulfillment of needs, and (4) shared emotional connection.https://www.senseofcommunity.com/soc-index/
24-Item Sense of Community Index - 2 (Revised)SCI-2, Chavis, Lee & Acosta, 2008Improves reliability of the SCI especially as a cross-cultural measure.http://dl.icdst.org/pdfs/files/f458f0f15016819295377e5a979b1893.pdf
Social Capital and Social Cohesion Measurement Toolkit for Community-Driven Development OperationsMercy Corps and World Bank, 2020A 15-item survey for measuring social capital and social cohesion combined with a qualitative contextualization guide that helps to adapt the tool for a particular context, based on a review of 2600 survey questions from existing tools utilized globally.https://collaboration.worldbank.org/content/usergenerated/asi/cloud/attachments/sites/collaboration-for-development/en/groups/community-driven-development-global-solutions-group/documents/jcr:content/content/primary/blog/social_capital_ands-OhaN/Social%20Capital%20and%20Social%20Cohesion%20Measurement%20Toolkit%20(Final).pdf
8-item Brief Sense of Community ScaleBSCS, Peterson, Speer & McMillan, 2008Attempted to refine the earlier SCI.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/229567281_Validation_of_a_Brief_Sense_of_Communtiy_Scale_Confirmation_of_the_Principal_Theory_of_Sense_of_Community
Social Health IndexShaw-Taylor, 1999Assesses how well a community functions in caring for its most disadvantaged populationshttps://www.amazon.com/Measurement-Community-Health-Social-Index/dp/0761821260
Community Assessment of Resilience Tool CART, Pfefferbaum, Pfefferbaum, Van Horn, Klomp, Norris & Reissman, 2006Assesses community resiliencehttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/236076108_The_Communities_Advancing_Resilience_Toolkit_CART_An_Intervention_to_Build_Community_Resilience_to_Disasters
Social Vulnerability IndexSOVI, Cutter, Boruff & Shirley, 2003Measures demographic and socioeconomic data to assess vulnerability that is negatively correlated with economic development, social capital and community resilience measureshttps://www.d.umn.edu/~pfarrell/Natural%20Hazards/Readings/Cutter.%20Socail%20Vulnerability.pdf
Sense of Belonging ScaleHoffman 2002(Ludvik & Eberhart, 2018)https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326463786_Revised_Sense_of_Belonging_Scale_Hoffman_MB_Richmond_JR_Morrow_JA_Salomone_K_2002-2003_Investigating_sense_of_belonging_in_First-Year_college_students_Journal_of_College_Student_Retention_43_227-256